2016 Fire Company Election Results

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Tonight, during our monthly company meeting, 2016 Firematic and Corporate Elections were held. Congratulations to all the newly elected officers!


Orchard Park 9 - Chief - Rich_Mrugalski
Orchard Park 9-1 - 1st Assistant Chief - Matt Cavanagh
Orchard Park 9-2 - 2nd Assistant Chief - John Newell
Orchard Park 9-3 - Fire Captain - Rob Germano
Orchard Park 9-4 - Fire Captain - Tim Gibbons
Orchard Park 7-1 - Rescue Captain - Andrew Kowalski
Orchard Park Engine 1 Lieutenant - Jon McNatty
Orchard Park Engine 2 Lieutenant - Tyler Jensen
Orchard Park Engine 3 Lieutenant - Jon Spiegel
Orchard Park Truck 6 Lieutenant - MJ Girardi
Orchard Park Rescue 7 Lieutenant - Ryan Kelly
Orchard Park 8's Lieutenant - Ally_Mills-Kunkel


President - Tony Scolese
Vice President - Jeremy Majewicz
Recording Secretary - Slavic Glowczynski
Corresponding Secretary - Juliet Marczak
Treasurer - Violet Newell
Trustee - Ed Jensen